Privacy Policy

Purpose of this form

By signing this form, you give us permission to collect, use, hold and provide your information to others in accordance with our Privacy Policy. Without this consent, we will be unable to submit your application for processing or consult lenders about your scenario.
‘us/our/we’ means Greatest of all times Pty Ltd and its related bodies corporate (as defined by the Corporations Act 2001 and collectively referred to as “Goat” in this document).
‘you/your’ includes the Applicant(s), any Guarantor(s) and any individual who holds office in an entity which is an Applicant.
‘your information’ means your personal information (for example name and contact details) and your credit information (such as amount and type of credit, default information), whether the information or opinion is true or not.

Collection and use of your information

You authorise us to:

1. Collect and use your information to:
(a) Process your application for credit or another product or service offered by or through us, including verifying your identity in accordance with the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing Act 2006 and any applicable State real property laws;
(b) (Unless you tell us not to) conduct customermarketing programs and direct marketing communications about products and services offered by us or a third partythat may interest you;
(c) Administer our customer relationships;
(d) Meet our legally required reporting obligations
(e) Undertake internal processes including reporting, systems development and testing and analytics.

  1. Collect your information from you directly or through third parties who undertake the collection on our behalf eg. Credit checks.
  2. Collect and use sensitive information for specific purposes. For example, information about your health to enable the funder/lender to assess an application you make for mortgage protection insurance and calculate any premiums.
  3. Provide your information to credit providers, insurers and other third parties who provide products or service to or through us.
  4. Provide your information to originators and/or managers and financial consultants, accountants, lawyers, or real estate agents acting in connection with your application or financing or purchase of a property or purchase of a product or service, to assess your application and/or to assist in responding to any enquiries we receive from you.
  5. Seek (or, to assess eligibility for an indicative loan offer,), as an Access Seeker, your consumer or commercial credit information from a credit reporting body to assess an application for credit.
  6. Provide your information to government agencies, police or other parties where required or authorised by law.
  7. Provide your information to any of our suppliers, associates, service providers or contractors (including, for example, call centre, stationery printing houses, mail houses, information technology, marketing agencies, and marketing research companies etc.).
  8. Disclose your information to (i) (unless you tell us not to) third parties to enable them to contact you to offer their products and services or to determine if you would be interested in the products and services, or (ii) any person considering acquiring or taking an interest in our business.

10.Disclose your information to another person in connection with funding financial accommodation by means of an arrangement involving securitisation.

  1. Provide your information to any co-Applicant or any person who proposes to guarantee or has guaranteed repayment of any credit provided, or to be provided, to you.
  2. Hold or process your information on servers located overseas for filtering, hosting or storage purposes, reporting and analytical purposes and for system development testing purposes.

Please read the following acknowledgements, complete your details and sign.

You acknowledge that:
Other ways and reasons that we may collect, use or provide your information;
– How you may access and seek correction of your information; and
– How to complain about a breach of your privacy rights and GOAT’s complaint handling procedures
– You have read this form and you agree and authorise us to collect, use, disclose and provide your information in the ways indicated in this form;
– If you give us your email or phone details, we or our third party business associates may use these to communicate with you including by hyperlink, making documents available for a reasonable period on an information system for retrieval, SMS, for the purpose of providing you with:
(a) Offers to issue or sell financial, credit and other products;
(b) Marketing and commercial communications;

(c) Financial services and credit guides and other disclosure documents;
– Paper documents may no longer be given where documents are given by electronic communication, electronic communications must be regularly checked for documents, and that the consent given to provide documents by electronic communication may be withdrawn at any time;
– You understand that if you no longer wish to receive marketing material or telemarketing calls you can call us to withdraw your consent;
– When you give us personal information about another person, you are authorised by that person to do so and agree to inform that person of the contents of this document;
– You will inform us as soon as possible if your personal details change (for example, name, email address);
– You understand that we may access your credit report as Access Seeker which will leave a file access note on your credit report; and

– The details provided in this form are true and correct